Invitation email from a school to a volunteer
Example 1
Dear Sam,
Thank you for expressing an interest in becoming a governor of a secondary school in the Mackingham area. Your profile looks very interesting and we are indeed looking for someone with HR experience to join our small and dynamic governing board. Mackingham School is part of a multi-academy trust, a group of schools that work closely together, and the vacancy is for our local governing body which consists of 12 individuals with a range of skills. We have 10 meetings a year, which take place in the evening, and we ask governors visit the school once per term with a specific focus, for instance maths or special educational needs provision (SEN).
While we serve an economically disadvantaged community, we have high expectations for our 850 pupils and are committed to raising their aspirations. The governing board plays a key role in helping to achieve this. I wonder if we could arrange a phone call next week to discuss the vacancy and see whether you are interested. In the meantime, if you would like to find out more about the school, please visit our website at I look forward to hearing from you.
Best wishes,
Pat Cook, Chair of Governors
Example 2
Dear Ali,
I am chair of governors at The Green School, a primary school in Weatherfield, and I’m writing to see if you would be interested in joining our governing board. We are looking to build the financial expertise on our board, and I was interested to see on your profile that you are a qualified accountant and run your own business.
We have 350 pupils who live mostly in the nearby community. About 25% of our pupils receive free school meals and about 10% are from an ethnic minority background. At our Ofsted inspection a year ago, we received a ‘requires improvement’ judgment and since then, governors and senior team at the school have been working hard to address areas of weakness and build on our strengths. We are confident that we will be rated ‘good’ at our next inspection.
We are an enthusiastic and committed group of 11 governors, with one vacancy on the board. Our meetings are normally at 5pm, lasting for 1.5 to 2 hours, and we meet 8 times a year. Governors are always welcome to visit the school during the day. I am very happy to give you more details. Perhaps we could arrange a phone call one day next week? You might also like to visit our website at
Best wishes,
Chris Smith