Liverpool recruiters come together

Twenty-four governor recruiters from across the North West attended Liverpool’s Park Hotel in Aintree to learn about the best way to recruit governors for their schools and Trusts.  People from Governing Bodies and Senior Leadership Teams, including Headteachers, attended on behalf of their Multi-Academy Trusts, Federations and single schools.

Margaret Crooks from The Academy of St Francis of Assisi, Liverpool said

“We struggle to find people to fill our governor role, so I am encouraged to use the Inspiring Governance digital platform to search for professional volunteers”.

Interest came from schools wanting to work with the Inspiring Governance programme to deliver community engagement events to raise the profile of the role of a Governor and to get the right people around the table. This key document published by the National Governance Association (NGA) was outlined by Judith Hicks, Head of Inspiring Governance at the NGA.

The workshop focused on how to get the most out of the Inspiring Governance digital platform step by step; from registering your school; creating a governor vacancy; searching for volunteers via the interactive map; inviting volunteers to view your vacancy and starting a conversation.

Chair of Governors at Rice Lane Primary, Frank Hilliard, expressed his delight at being able to search and appoint new governors through a professional process that also provides newly appointed governors with free on-line training and support.

Based on the success of this event, further events are planned across the North West. Please get in touch if you are interested in holding an event in your area or school –