Inspiring Governance is delighted to announce that Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC), the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE), and Cambridge Assessment have signed the #SchoolGovernorChampion charter. We are pleased to partner with a civil service department, a professional engineering membership organisation and an exam group, as we remain committed to working across all industries and sectors to promote school governance to the widest range of potential volunteers.
HMRC and Education and Employers have been working together since 2015 to make a real and impactful difference in the communities we work and live in. The governance programme provides a unique opportunity to shape the lives of young people at school by ensuring all children have the best start in life, with equal opportunity to succeed, all whilst developing your own personal and professional skills through challenging senior leaders, approving budgets and setting the strategic ambition and vision of schools. Read more about our partnership with HMRC here.
As part of the Government’s Take a Closer Look Campaign, which seeks to encourage more young people to consider engineering careers, the IMechE is actively encouraging its members to become school governors and trustees. IMechE’s members can use the Inspiring Governance programme, to join local school governing boards and make a positive impact on the lives of young people. Read more about our work with IMechE here.
Cambridge Assessment is the first exam group in the country to sign the School Governor Champion Charter and pledge its support to champion the role of school governor and support staff members to become governors in local schools. Read more about our work with Cambridge Assessment here.
Could your organisation be a #SchoolGovernorChampion? Click here to find out more.