School: Brandles School
Location: Hertfordshire
Job: Business Manager
Favourite book: Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins
Why did you chose governance over a different volunteer activity?
I wanted to make a difference to the generation that one day will be our future. I also wanted to utilise my skills from the business world to drive continuous improvement within a culture of high expectations and to give back something to my local community.
What advice would you give to a new governor?
Don’t be afraid to ask silly questions, and I would encourage you to attend training that is available to you, it will almost certainly support you in your role and give you confidence. The networking with other governors at these sessions is always very helpful. Ask your Chair if there is a governor that you can shadow so you can learn from them, they can support you in meetings and on visits. It’s all about teamwork.
Best experience you’ve had as a governor?
I always look forward to and enjoy meeting pupils at School Council and Pupil Voice sessions, I equally enjoy meeting and chatting with parents on parents evening.
How has your experience at work supported you in your role?
As vice chair, my leadership skills and experience in business and finance have supported me – and by extension the school. I think communication skills are fundamental when liaising with key stakeholders such as parents, pupils, the local authority and Ofsted. Teamwork and commitment are also vital.
The role of a governor is very different from my work role and has given me another perspective on education to one you hear about in the media.
Why should people volunteer to be a governor?
Being a school governor is an honour, and one that carries responsibility. The continuous drive to raise standards in education is key for our success globally; strategically governors play a crucial role in this.