Have you considered volunteering as school governor?
You can make a difference!
By becoming as school governor you will:
- Give back to the local community by volunteering your spare time
- Support the development and successes of children and young people within your local community
- Gain valuable skills to enhance your career
What do governors do?
The purpose of governance is to provide strategic leadership and create robust accountability, oversight, and assurance for educational and financial performance in schools.
Being part of a governing board will give you experience of working at a strategic level and the opportunity to develop and practice high-demand skills. Training is available, and you will be fully supported during your term of office as a governor or trustee.
What is the time commitment?
Typically, school governors or trustees serve a term of four years. Governing boards meet six times a year and expect board members to undertake additional monitoring visits to see the school in action, alongside preparing for meetings. The time commitment is in the region of eight hours a month depending on the school and additional responsibilities you take on and training you access. You will need to attend meetings, typically outside of ‘office’ hours, and do the necessary preparatory reading.
“If you are considering school governance I would whole-heartedly recommend the role. It is an opportunity to develop professional skills as well as to serve the community. You will be well supported with extensive and high-quality training, and you can be sure that you are making a real difference to the education of children and young people in Somerset.”
Nicola Sweeting, 12 years’ service as a governor within Somerset Schools
So, what are the benefits?
Becoming a school governor will provide you with opportunities to gain experience for both personal and professional development, such as:
- develop your professional skills and experience such as strategic planning, chairing, team working and financial planning, all of which are valued by employers and can support career development
- build relationships and networks in your locality
- access to a range of high-quality training
- support children and young people in your community
Work for Somerset Council?
Council employees are ideally suited to the role of the school governor, due to their role in supporting local communities. They process or have access to a diverse range of expertise, skills and experiences which are highly valued and benefit schools and academies within the county, such as:
- Being collaborative and working as a team
- Awareness of the value of public service within the community
- Understanding the importance of safeguarding
- Adapting to change and attention to detail
- Experience of working in a highly regulated sector
- Ability to prioritise and organise your time efficiently
Somerset Council recognises your contribution as a volunteer and permits paid time to fulfil your duties, which equates to up to 1.5 days per calendar month. Further information can be obtained via the HR Intranet pages, under Miscellaneous Leave or by contacting the HR department or your line manager.
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