As part of the Government’s ‘Take a Closer Look’ Campaign, which seeks to encourage more young people to consider engineering careers, we are actively looking for engineers to become school governors. We want engineers, who love what they do, to join school governing boards and make a real impact on the lives of young people.
What do engineers bring to the table?
Engineers bring a whole host of skills, expertise and experiences that will be invaluable to any school. As a governor you can make a positive impact on a school and the lives of its pupils, by committing some of your time and energy.
Engineers are perfectly suited to the role of school governors and possess the skills and experiences that could really benefit a governing board:
- Ability to challenge and ask questions;
- Strategic leadership and project management;
- Creative problem solving and seeking improvements;
- Experience of technical and vocational education;
- Being collaborative and working as a team;
- Curiosity, innovation and an analytical approach.
Working as part of a governing board, you will help shape the strategic direction of a school. You will oversee the school’s performance, its budget and act as guardians of its vision and values. You will also provide challenge and support to the head teacher and help them as they raise standards throughout the school.
Typically, the commitment will be to meet each half term with additional monitoring visits to see the school in action and speak to teachers and pupils, alongside preparing for meetings and undertaking training and development.
Helping schools take a closer look at engineering
Those working in schools are key in helping to identify the next generation of engineers. That’s why we need people like you to work with schools to help them show young people how rewarding, enjoyable and relevant a career in engineering can be. This might be by:
- Working with the senior leadership team to develop an engineering strategy;
- Liaising with careers leads;
- Making links with organisations and industry who can help provide speakers, work shadowing or direct experiences to give young people first-hand experience of engineering.
As someone who has risen up the ranks of engineering and has experience of working in the industry, you may have your own ideas of how to bring engineering alive for young people. If you have the drive, enthusiasm and commitment to have a real impact on the lives of students, then please sign up today.
We have a growing list of schools actively seeking engineers with your skills and experience. If building a long-lasting, beneficial relationship with a local school appeals to you then:
Through the Inspiring Governance programme, we can match you with a school local to where you live or work. You will also be able to search for local governing board vacancies and contact any schools you are interested in volunteering at.
If you have any questions, please contact the Inspiring Governance team on or call 020 7566 4880.
Tell me more
If you’re not able to sign up right away but would like us to keep in touch, please provide your details here:
Some quick facts about being a governor:
- Anyone over the age of 18 can be a school governor – you don’t need to be a parent or have any experience of working in education
- Volunteers usually spend between five and eight hours per month on governing duties
- The standard term of office is four years, but of course if your circumstances change you’re free to resign any time
Each school has its own recruitment process but this may include an interview, and informal meeting with the chair of governors, a tour of the school or even observing a meeting – this is to establish that the school is right for you and you are right for the school.
Although you don’t need any special training to be a governor, each board will have its own induction to bring you up to speed, and to help you be confident and effective in your role.
Click here to see helpful interview guidance